Soak away impurities in the skin with our Detox Bath Salt. Made with our proprietary blend of Dead Sea Salt, Epsom Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate, infused with wild foraged Juniper Berry, and Plantain, combined with Organic Orange Peel, and Eucalyptus.
For topical use only.
Notice of Disclaimer:
Content from is meant to be informational in nature and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Remember that just because something is “natural” does not always mean it is safe for every person. When it comes to herbal medicine, many plants should be avoided when pregnant or nursing and some can cause extreme interactions with prescription and over-the-counter medicine.
While we strive to be 100% accurate, utilizing information from scientific studies, trusted sources, and verified publications, we are not health professionals, medical doctors, or nutritionists. It is solely up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed on this website and to ensure proper plant identification.
The information provided by this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before using herbal preparations, always research, speak to a professional regarding any significant concerns, and never fail to seek medical advice when needed.
Detox Bath Salts
4 oz glass jar with bamboo lid and wooden scoop